Monthly Archives: September 2012

Die Frauenpower der Femen Frühstück mit Profi-Hausbesetzern

Die Frauen der ukrainischen Aktivistinnengruppe Femen sind zu Symbolfiguren eines feministisch orientierten Protestaktionismus gewordenSie machen Security-Firmen und ihre Blähmuskelmänner nervös. Sie lassen nie die Hosen herunter. Und sie tauchen unvermutet dort auf, wo sich Gier, Verbrechen und Missbrauch einen gloriosen Anstrich zu geben versuchen. Ob vor dem Gasprom-Konzern, bei der Fußball-EM oder vor der italienischen Botschaft in Kiew: Die Frauen der 2008 gegründeten ukrainischen Aktivistinnengruppe Femen wissen, wo sie ihre Körper in den Kampf werfen. Mit Blumenkränzen im Haar >>>

Prague Post: Gender politics

Images of stunning topless Ukrainian girls are no longer relegated to top-shelf men's mags and mail-order bride websites, reads The Prague Post report.  They are hitting the mainstream media courtesy of controversial Ukrainian women's rights group Femen, which catapulted into the limelight following a series of topless protests against the Euro 2012 tournament. Campaigning against prostitution, sex tourism and trafficking under the slogan "Ukraine is not a brothel," Femen protesters bared their breasts to attract media attention to their cause. They have alternatively >>>

Femen: “Là où commence la religion s’arrête le féminisme”

“Nous prévoyons de nouvelles manifestations, mais je vous demanderai de ne pas divulguer ces informations.” Le 17 août, jour du verdict qui a condamné les Pussy Riot à deux ans de camp en Russie, Inna Shevchenko a attaqué l’Église à la tronçonneuse. Au nom des Femen, elle a scié l’immense croix qui jouxtait la principale place de Kyiv. Au nom de ses soeurs d’armes russes aussi. Même si la jeune femme se défend d’être en cavale, elle a quitté le pays sitôt le méfait accompli. Nous avons réussi à la joindre. Parlez-nous de votre dernier coup d’éclat du 17 août >>>

Gender politics

By Harriet SalemFor the PostKYIV, UkraineImages of stunning topless Ukrainian girls are no longer relegated to top-shelf men's mags and mail-order bride websites. They are hitting the mainstream media courtesy of controversial Ukrainian women's rights group Femen, which catapulted into the limelight following a series of topless protests against the Euro 2012 tournament. Campaigning against prostitution, sex tourism and trafficking under the slogan "Ukraine is not a brothel," Femen protesters bared their breasts to attract media attention to their cause. They have alternatively become the villains >>> Pussy Riot uproar continues as FEMEN offers bounty for desecrating …

A group claiming to represent the Ukrainian feminist movement FEMEN has offered payment to anyone who desecrates Orthodox crosses and churches. Cutting down a cross will earn you as much as 6,000 rubles, or $188 US. Leaving an inscription on an Orthodox cross will net around $62, while graffiti on a church wall comes with a nearly hundred-dollar reward. The bounty list was published on the Internet by Karina Pankova, a 23-year-old woman who presented herself as the leader of FEMEN’s branch in northwest Russia’s arctic city of Murmansk.Read more here.  >>>

Chytrá léčka: Odhalená poprsí, balaklava a plyšoví medvídci

Pletené barevné masky připomínající kukly zvané balaklava, trička za 25 dolarů zobrazující nahé ženské poprsí a plyšoví medvídci, takové jsou v současnosti nejznámější symboly protirežimního odporu v Rusku, na Ukrajině a v Bělorusku. Autoritářské režimy postsovětského prostoru jsou vystaveny provokacím ve formě extrémních performancí od ruských Pussy Riot přes ukrajinský Femen až po švédské ochránce lidských práv. Slabá, nejednotná a bezmocná opozice se alespoň takto snaží vyjádřit své antipatie, >>>

Inna, la Femen a Parigi: "Dopo Strauss-Kahn anche in Francia c’è …

(Foto Lapresse) PARIGI – Sono note in tutto il mondo per le loro proteste a seno nudo. Anche se prima del topless c’erano le idee. Sono le Femen, gruppo ucraino femminista.  ”All’inizio, le performance le facevamo vestite: non se ne accorgeva nessuno. Adesso ne parlano tutti. Ma non è solo un trucco per avere visibilità. È anche un messaggio. Diciamo agli uomini: per voi siamo solo un corpo, ci volete nude nei vostri letti? Bene, noi siamo nude. Ma non sul materasso: nelle piazze, a protestare. Gli uomini impazziscono, come succede ogni volta che le donne fanno qualcosa che loro >>>

Pussy Riot uproar continues: FEMEN offers bounty for desecrating crosses

A group claiming to represent the Ukrainian feminist movement FEMEN has offered payment to anyone who desecrates Orthodox crosses and churches. Cutting down a cross will earn you as much as 6,000 rubles, or $188 US. Leaving an inscription on an Orthodox cross will net around $62, while graffiti on a church wall comes with a nearly hundred-dollar reward. The bounty list was published on the Internet by Karina Pankova, a 23-year-old woman who presented herself as the leader of FEMEN’s branch in northwest Russia’s arctic city of Murmansk.The activist also invited “young and attractive” >>>

Запорожские казаки возмущены акцией своих киевских коллег против FEMEN – Полемика

Запорожские казаки крайне возмущены действиями  секретаря Координационного совета по вопросам развития казачества, главного атамана Верного Казачества Алексея Селиванова. "Он решил подвергнуть киевский офис  женского общественного движения «Фемен» психической атаке. Воистину жалкое зрелище", - заявляют запорожские казаки >>>

‘CU heeft tekst op borsten in elk geval gelezen’

Daarmee reageert Femen op de opmerkingen van fractievoorzitter Van Houdt. Die zei gisteren geschokt te zijn door de actie van de drie vrouwen tijdens het Gogbot-festival in Enschede.   Ook in Nederland De vrouwen zaagden vrijdagavond met ontbloot bovenlijf drie kruizen om. Ze protesteerden daarmee tegen de veroordeling van de vrouwen van de feministische band Pussy Riot in Rusland. Volgens Femen doen in Nederland één op de drie vrouwen aangifte van aanranding gedaan, en dagelijks worden in Nederland duizenden vrouwen, al dan niet binnen hun eigen huis, misbruikt. De misdrijven halen de kranten >>>