Feministas protestaron en topless en los JJ.OO. pero fueron …

Estas jóvenes decidieron protestar semidesnudas y con los cuerpos pintados, y se declararon “las nuevas feministas” que luchan por las mismas cosas que las feministas luchaban hace cincuenta años en Europa, según ellas, su objetivo es impresionar a la gente y obtener reacciones en ellos. “Llevamos protestando de manera ‘clásica’ dos años y nadie nos hacía caso, a nadie le importó; nos decidimos a ir desnudas y de repente, todo el mundo quería prestar atención. Esta es la única forma de cambiar las mentes. Entendemos que no estamos preparadas para la revolución, >>>

Olympic Shorts: Naked ambition of Ukrainian feminists offers a volleyball sideshow

Phelps gets a call from ObamaMichael Phelps has been delighting in the accolade of becoming the greatest Olympian ever. The highest honour of all was a personal call he received. Over to Phelps: "I answered the phone and they were, like, 'Michael?' And I said, 'Yes.' And they said, 'Please hold for the President of the United States.' And I was, like, 'OK'." Phelps added that Obama "finished by saying, 'Make sure you tell your mom I said hi'."North Korea takes shot at the WestNorth Korean athletes have already won four golds, and the Korean Central News Agency has rolled out its purple prose for >>>

Mujeres protestan haciendo topless en Londres 2012

Hace 11 horas 52 minutos Dos mujeres del Femen arremetieron en ‘topless’ la tranquilidad de Londres 2012. Las protestantes corrieron por 10 minutos contra los ‘regímenes islamistas sangrientos’ presentes de los Juegos Olímpicos. Las jóvenes del grupo ucraniano de derechos de la mujer aparecieron semidesnudas con coronas de flores en la cabeza. Pintadas con sangre falsa, bajo el lema de “vergüenza olímpica” y “No a la Sharia”, aparecieron por la entrada del City Hall, en el centro de la capital británica. “Los regímenes son >>>

Topless Activists Protest IOC in London (Video)

In yet another display of solidarity and gusto during the Olympic Games in London, members of the Ukrainian feminist group Femen staged a protest in London near Tower Bridge. The four women walked along the Thames topless with words such as “Shame” painted across their backs, arms and chests. They shouted “Kill the generations!” over and over again as police tried to catch them. One Femen protester looked straight at the camera filming her and said, “I fight for women around the world. They are not free. We are not free.” The protest lasted for minutes on end after many attempts by >>>

Feminístas sacuden a Londres con un topless

 Dos mujeres en topless pintadas con las frases "Olympic shame" (Verguenza olímpica) y "No Sharia" repudiaron ante la Alcaldía de Londres los "sangrientos regímenes islámicos" que cuentan con delegaciones deportivas enlos Juegos Olímpicos. Las mujeres pertenecen al movimiento ucraniano de derechos femeninos Femen, que ha realizado varias protestas de este tipo en Europa, incluida una durante la Eurocopa 2012 en Polonia y Ucrania, donde expresaron preocupación por el nivel deprostitución en las ciudades anfitrionas de ese evento. "Los regímenes son los fascistas >>>

Protest by topless women

Protest by topless women Updated 3 minutes ago Two topless women painted with the slogans "Olympic shame" and "No Sharia" protested in front of City Hall in London on Thursday to draw attention to "bloody Islamist regimes" taking part in the Olympics. They were members of Femen, a Ukrainian women's rights group, which also protested at the Euro 2012 football tournament in Poland and Ukraine. Smeared with fake blood and wearing floral wreaths on their heads, the two women ran around the entrance of City Hall for around 10 minutes chased by a third protester, before being covered up and led away >>>

Grupo Femen protesta em Londres – PBAgora

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FEMEN Protests Bloodthirsty Islamist Regimes at the Olympics. We Can Do More

FEMEN, a Ukrainian-based feminist group, protested today in London against the IOC's alleged "support for bloody Islamist regimes" -- tacit support, apparently, by allowing their participation in the Olympic Games. 'If the IOC keeps flirting with radical Islam, new Olympic disciplines, such as stoning or speed raping will be added to the competition.' They have a point. The Olympic Games are not the United Nations, where every nation is expected to have the opportunity to participate, no matter how horrifying their regimes are. There is precedent for countries boycotting the Olympics, as the >>>

Activistas protestam em topless em Londres contra "regimes …

As duas mulheres em topless apresentavam no peito as inscições "Vergonha Olímpica" e "Não à Sharia [Lei Islâmica]".O protesto decorreu frente à Câmara municipal da capital inglesa."O comité Olímpico não devia ter autorizado estes governos a serem representados nos Jogos. São os fascistas dos nossos tempos, eles tratam as mulheres como cidadãos de terceira. É contra isto que protestamos", disse Reza Moradi, uma das activistas, sem precisar a que países se referia.Após cerca de dez ministros de protesto, as activistas foram detidas pela polícia. -- Diário Digital >>>

Mujeres en ‘topless’ protestan contra "regímenes fascistas"

Londres (Reuters). Dos mujeres en ‘topless’ pintadas con el eslogan “vergüenza olímpica” y “No a la Sharia” protestaron frente al City Hall de Londres hoy para llamar la atención sobre lo que calificaron como “regímenes islamitas sangrientos” participando de los Juegos Olímpicos en la capital británica. Ambas eran miembros del grupo ucraniano de derechos de la mujer Femen, que ha realizado numerosas protestas en topless en toda Europa, entre ellas en la Eurocopa de fútbol de este año en Polonia y Ucrania por su preocupación por la prostitución en las ciudades sede. “Los >>>