München: Hat dieser Ingenieur seine Ehefrau vergewaltigt?

Seit Dezember 2011 sitzt der Angeklagte mit afghanischen Wurzeln und deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit in U-Haft: „Ich bin nicht streng gläubig. Aber in der Haft habe ich jeden Tag zu Gott gebetet, dass endlich die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt.“ Die Staatsanwaltschaft will die Wahrheit kennen: Die sexuellen Übergriffe sollen vom 4. bis 29. November 2011 stattgefunden haben. Baharam N. lernt seine Zukünftige über eine Tante 2008 kennen: „Man hat mir ein Video gezeigt. Sie hat mir gefallen.“ Das Problem: Sie lebte in Pakistan und er in München: „Das >>>

Ukrainian women stage topless protest at London Olympics

London, Aug 2: Four topless activists from a Ukrainian women's rights group  Femen were detained  by police today after they carried out a protest  at City Hall, central London.Police were called  to take the topless protesters in to custody. The protesters accused the International Olympic Committee of supporting  'bloody' Islamist regimes.Pictures showed officers holding women on the ground and covering their chests.One woman screamed as officers held her. One of the women carried the message 'No Sharia' on her bare chest. The demonstration near Tower Bridge, described as an 'Islamic marathon' >>>

Elas voltaram a aparecer em Londres

As ativistas femininas ucranianas do Femen, grupo que fez vários atos durante a Eurocopa este ano, voltaram a aparecer, agora em Londres. Desta vez, as protestantes organizaram uma maratona contra os regimes islâmicos que, segundo elas, tem o apoio do Comitê Olímpico Internacional. A mensagem “no sharia”, que a ucraniana carrega escrita nos seios, é um pedido pelo fim da aplicação do código de leis do islamismo. Foto: Eorgler           Fonte: Globo Esporte           Postador: Thayanne Karoline Outras Noticias Ato do Femen >>>

EN IMAGES. JO : les Femen troublent les Jeux

Elles font encore parler d'elles. Des militantes du collectif Femen ont manifesté seins nus jeudi près de l'hôtel de ville de Londres pour protester contre certains pays musulmans, présents aux Jeux olympiques, qui n'accorderaient pas les mêmes droits aux femmes qu'aux hommes. La police est très vite intervenue pour mettre fin à cette manifestation du mouvement féministe, habitué aux coups d'éclat médiatiques.   >>>

VIDEO. Manifestation de féministes seins nus à Londres

Deux femmes ont manifesté les seins nus au pied de l'hôtel de ville de Londres, jeudi 2 août, pour attirer l'attention des médias sur la participation aux Jeux olympiques de pays qu'elles considèrent comme des "régimes islamistes sanguinaires".Les deux manifestantes sont membres de l'association féministe ukrainienne Femen, connue pour avoir organisé plusieurs coups d'éclat sur le même mode en Europe, en particulier lors de l'Euro 2012 en Ukraine et en Pologne. Leur corps était badigeonné des inscriptions "Honte olympique" et "No charia". "Ces régimes sont >>>

Topless women stage London protest

LONDON (Reuters) - Two topless women painted with the slogans "Olympic shame" and "No Sharia" protested in front of London's City Hall on Thursday to draw attention to what they called "bloody Islamist regimes" taking part in the Olympics. They were members of Ukrainian women's rights group Femen, which has staged numerous topless protests across Europe, including at the Euro 2012 soccer tournament in Poland and Ukraine where their concern was prostitution in host cities. "The regimes are fascists of our time, they treat women like third-class citizens," said protester Reza Moradi, >>>

Des Philippins marchent dans une rue inondée de Navotas, dans la …

LONDRES, 2. août (AFP) - 02.08.2012 17:49 Le chinois Zhang Jike célèbre sa victoire en finale de la compétition de ping-pong à Londres aux Jeux Olympiques. - Planant -AFP - Saeed KhanLe chinois Zhang Jike célèbre sa victoire en finale de la compétition de ping-pong à Londres aux Jeux Olympiques. Le chinois Zhang Jike célèbre sa victoire en finale de la compétition de ping-pong à Londres aux jeux Olympiques. © 2012 AFP >>>

Topless protest hits Olympics

Two topless women painted with the slogans "Olympic shame" and "No Sharia" protested in front of London's City Hall on Thursday to draw attention to what they called "bloody Islamist regimes" taking part in the Olympics. They were members of Ukrainian women's rights group Femen, which has staged numerous topless protests across Europe, including at the Euro 2012 tournament in Poland and Ukraine where their concern was prostitution in host cities. "The regimes are fascists of our time, they treat women like third-class citizens," said protester Reza Moradi, without specifying any countries. "This >>>

Topless women stage London protest

LONDON (Reuters) - Two topless women painted with the slogans "Olympic shame" and "No Sharia" protested in front of London's City Hall on Thursday to draw attention to what they called "bloody Islamist regimes" taking part in the Olympics. They were members of Ukrainian women's rights group Femen, which has staged numerous topless protests across Europe, including at the Euro 2012 soccer tournament in Poland and Ukraine where their concern was prostitution in host cities. "The regimes are fascists of our time, they treat women like third-class citizens," said protester Reza Moradi, >>>