Topless Ukraine activist grabs Euro soccer cup

A Ukrainian women's rights activist stripped to the waist and seized the Euro-2012 soccer trophy while it was on public display in Kyiv on Saturday in a protest against the forthcoming month-long championship. The young woman, 23-year-old Yulia Kovpachik, is a member of the Kyiv-based Femen women's rights group which believes the Euro-2012 soccer tournament being played in Ukraine next month will encourage sex tourism. Kovpachik strode up to the silver, 60 centimeter (two feet) high trophy, which was on display as a tourist attraction in an open air exhibition in central Kyiv, ostensibly >>>

Ukraynalı kadın örgütü FEMEN yine ses getiren bir eyleme imza attı.

Yarı çıplak gösterileriyle gündemden düşmeyen Ukraynalı kadın örgütü FEMEN yine ses getiren bir eyleme imza attı.Önümüzdeki ay düzenlenecek Avrupa Futbol Şampiyonası’na Polonya ile birlikte ev sahipliği yapacak Ukrayna’nın başkenti Kyiv’de FEMEN, Euro 2012 kupasına saldırıda bulundu.Kent merkezindeki Bağımsızlık Meydanı’na dün kupanın yerleştirildiği sırada güvenlik güçleri engelini aşan bir FEMEN üyesi, kupayı yere fırlattı.Üstsüz vaziyette ve vücudunda “Fuck Euro 2012” yazısıyla >>>

Topless activist grabs Euro 2012 football cup

Mancini's steadiness key for City in title race Jeremy Brockie signs with Wellington Phoenix Wairarapa United to open against NP Rangers Sydney FC promote Crook to head coach City's Kompany: I never stopped believing Comeback kings Man City win at death Rangers set to go Green after accepting bid Bashed football referee may quit the sport Stunned silence >>>

Topless woman attacks Euro trophy

Hands off ... Topless protester attacks Euro 2012 trophy at an exhibition in Kyiv. Source: Sergei Supinsky / AAP A topless Ukrainian woman attacked the trophy to be awarded at the upcoming Euro 2012 soccer tournament, knocking the silverware to the ground during an exhibition in Kyiv. The woman ran toward the Henri Delaunay trophy, then exposed an obscene slogan protesting against the tournament written on her torso. Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar. End >>>

裸女驚擾歐錦賽展覽 “裸鬧”組織讓烏克蘭頭痛(圖)

  烏克蘭著名的女子抗議團體“FEMEN”表示在波蘭和烏克蘭攜手舉辦2012歐洲盃期間,堅決抵制大規模的賣淫和酒精氾濫,以及可能會在烏克蘭上演的貪腐的現象。(資料圖片)   “我們來了,我們脫了,我們征服了”。“Femen”的這句口號最近紅透了歐洲媒體。作為一個典型的女權組織,“Femen”上周奇襲了烏克蘭首都基輔舉行的歐錦賽,和其他機構所不同的是,該組織表達自己呼聲的方式是裸體抗議,按照成員們的說法,她們是要“用身體尖叫”,而近些年“Femen”已經在歐洲讓不同國家聽到了她們特殊的尖叫吶喊聲。   美聯社13日報道說,一名上身裸露的烏克蘭女子12日突然在基輔對即將在當地舉行的歐錦賽發起襲擊。這名女子衝進當地一個擺放有歐錦賽獎盃的展覽現場,將銀質獎盃打倒在地,同時向周圍目瞪口呆的眾人,展示自己的裸體上寫的抗議標語。聞訊而來的烏克蘭警方隨後將這名自稱是“Femen”成員的人拘捕。   “24歲長著一張娃娃臉的奧斯卡納,10日再次因為在公共區域裸露上身,而接受烏克蘭內政部的懲處”。身為“Femen”的一員,奧斯卡納認為,這些都是“歡樂的示威”而已。她和該組織其他成員一樣,認為裸體就是她們可以用來表達個人觀點,讓社會關注自己的一種新女權主義武器。   “Femen”主義其實在歐洲已經存在了20年,在德國等歐洲其他國家都有。對於奧斯卡納等人來說,第一次走上社會舞臺是在2009年。在烏克蘭首都基輔的繁華商業地段為了抗議網際網路色情業,而舉行裸體抗議。該組織的一些成員表示,第一次舉行裸體抗議時,她們也會感到有些不好意思,所以紛紛都用手捂住自己的胸部,但由於看到公眾給予了她們強烈的支援,大家從此改變了尷尬的心態,再也不遮遮掩掩了。   但《明鏡》稱,在烏克蘭出現這樣的“裸抗”,其實有其深層次的社會原因。首先,這些新一代女權主義者往往和很多當地男性一樣長期失業,待在家中。一些人就在家中和朋友們一起閱讀一些思想激進的書籍,並將其中的觀點分享,這直接促成了“Femen”的誕生。另外,女性社會地位的殘酷性也是促成這種新女權主義組織萌生的催化劑。目前“Femen”已經有30名鐵桿成員,可以隨時被召集舉行裸體抗議。儘管“裸抗”是一種較偏激的做法,但很多女性認為,如果女性不能相互關心,烏克蘭的女性就更沒有希望了。 >>>

Femen Protester Almost Nabs the Mystical Euro Cup

After famously topless Femen protesters crashed the economic bacchanal at Davos in January, Europe has nervously awaited the sensationalist women's rights group's next move. Would they give the popemobile an ironic carwash with egg yolks during Easter, or create a human tableaux of Judith killing Holofernes in protest of Greece electing 21 members of its resident neo-Nazi party to parliament last week? This weekend, the anxious European community finally got its answer — Femen would ruin soccer, or almost ruin soccer, as it turns out. According to a report from Reuters, a 23-year-old Femen >>>

Topless activist grabs Euro 2012 football cup

A Ukrainian women's rights activist stripped to the waist and seized the Euro-2012 football trophy while it was on public display in Kyiv in a protest against the forthcoming month-long championship. The young woman, 23-year-old Yulia Kovpachik, is a member of the Kyiv-based Femen women's rights group which believes the Euro-2012 tournament being played in Ukraine next month will encourage sex tourism. Kovpachik strode up to the silver, 60 centimetre high trophy, which was on display as a tourist attraction in an open air exhibition >>>

Hizo un topless para protestar contra la Eurocopa

Por: Medios La Eurocopa 2012, que se disputará en Ucrania y Polonia entre el 8 de junio y el 1 de julio, es una de las más controvertidas de los últimos tiempos. Por la 'dudosa' infraestructura -al menos, para los fiscalizadores-, las protestas de siempre de los ciudadanos disconformes con que la copa se lleve a cabo allí y, sobre todo, los boicots. Hace unos días, una bomba dejó 27 heridos en la ciudad oriental ucraniana de Dniepropetrovsk. Esta vez fue el turno de FEMEN, un grupo feminista que, con activistas muy sexys, se manifiesta >>>

Ucraniana em topless agarra a taça do Euro2012

Uma ativista do grupo feminista Femen, que protesta contra a exploração sexual na Ucrânia, invadiu a apresentação do troféu do Euro2012, em Kyiv, a agarrou a taça.Em topless, que acaba por ser uma marca deste grupo Femen, a mulher conseguiu mesmo agarrar o troféu da competição, que estava exposto no centro da capital ucraniana, sendo de imediato agarrada pelos seguranças e depois detida.O Femen é radicalmente contra a realização da Euro na Ucrânia. A organização considera que a competição >>>

Topless Woman Attacks Euro 2012 Trophy

(NewsCore) - A topless Ukrainian woman attacked the trophy to be awarded at the upcoming Euro 2012 soccer tournament, knocking the silverware to the ground during an exhibition in Kyiv on Saturday. The woman ran toward the Henri Delaunay trophy, then exposed an obscene slogan protesting against the tournament written on her torso. She was quickly detained by police, the Ria Novosti news agency reported. The FEMEN protest group -- a feminist organization campaigning to end sexism and sex tourism in the Ukraine -- regularly disrupts sporting and other public events in the country. Following Saturday's >>>