Girl dies after horror gang rape

Girl dies after horror gang rapePosted: 29 March 2012 2050 hrs           KYIV: An 18-year old Ukrainian girl died Thursday almost three weeks after suffering a gang rape attack by youths which has become one of the country's most notorious crimes of recent years.Oksana Makar was raped by three young men, strangled, burned alive and then left for dead >>>

Ukrainian girl dies 3 weeks after gang rape attack

KYIV — An 18-year old Ukrainian girl died Thursday almost three weeks after suffering a gang rape attack by youths which has become one of the country's most notorious crimes of recent years.Oksana Makar was raped by three young men, strangled, burned alive and then left for dead in the attack in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolayiv on March 10, prosecutors have said.The victim was found by a passer-by after she was dumped by her attackers, reportedly at a construction site. She was hospitalized with 55 per cent burns in a critical condition which forced the amputation of her feet, an >>>

Ukrainian girl dies after horror gang rape

KYIV: An 18-year old Ukrainian girl died today almost three weeks after suffering a gang rape attack by youths which has become one of the country’s most notorious crimes of recent years. Oksana Makar (pic) was raped by three young men, strangled, burned alive and then left for dead in the attack in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolayiv on March 10, prosecutors have said. The victim was found by a passer-by after she was dumped by her attackers, reportedly at a construction site. She was hospitalised with 55% burns in a critical >>>

Ukrainian girl dies after horror gang rape

By Anna Khripunkova (AFP) – 12 hours ago  DONETSK, Ukraine — A Ukrainian teenage girl died Thursday three weeks after being set on fire in a gang rape attack by youths which shocked the nation and raised doubts about the competence of police.Oksana Makar, 18, was raped by three men in their early 20s, strangled with a cord, burned and left for dead in an attack in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolayiv, investigators have said.The victim was found by a passer-by after she was dumped by her attackers at an abandoned construction site. She was hospitalised in a critical condition with >>>

Abscheuliches Verbrechen weckt Volkszorn in der Ukraine

29. März 2012, Neue Zürcher Zeitung Demonstrationen gegen die Nachsicht der Justiz gegenüber Familien von Polit-Bonzen Diese Aktivistinnen der Gruppe «Femen» wünschen den Tätern im Fall Oksana Makar den Tod. (Bild: Keystone / AP)Ein abscheulicher Kriminalfall hat in der Ukraine grosse Empörung ausgelöst. Der Zorn des Volkes richtet sich gegen die Funktionärskaste, deren Angehörige sich mit ihren Familien oft auch bei schlimmen Verbrechen als unantastbar erachten. Rudolf Hermann, Prag Sie werden «Maschory» >>>

Femen, la nuova frontiera del femminismo

Se è vero che la prostituzione è il lavoro più vecchio del mondo, è anche vero che il turismo sessuale è una piaga dei giorni nostri. Evitando le considerazioni personali su questo drammatico fenomeno, considerato dalla legge italiana un vero e proprio reato e come tale punito, è certamente più interessante parlare di quelle donne che lottano per mettere fine a questo squallore, affinché vengano considerate non più merce di scambio o oggetto sessuale da parte di uomini convinti che sia sufficiente lasciare il proprio Paese per comprare sesso, approfittando delle difficoltà della nazione >>>

Femen, continua il sodalizio con il fotografo Guillaume Herbaut

Guillaume Herbaut, fotografo francese, già vincitore del World Press Photo 2012, grazie a una serie di ritratti del collettivo politico e femminista ucraino, le Femen, formato da attiviste scatenatissime nuove amazzoni, che sfidano non solo le autorità e la poizia con i loro blitz in topless, ma anche le temperature gelide, ha diffuso una nuova serie di foto delle Femen, intitolata "The New Amazons 2: Winter". Sono fotografie forse ancora più suggestive delle precedenti, perché scattate con le modelle nude o quasi in un paesaggio innevato, o in interni poveri. Ma sono soprattutto, forse, fotografie >>>

Çıplak FEMEN aktivistleri Protestolarına Böyle Hazırlanıyorlar

Ukraynalı kadın hakları örgütü “FEMEN”in yaptığı protestolara nasıl hazırlandığı ortaya çıktı. Hilal-Yıldız ayaklar altında... Hem de bakın nerede!.. Foto Üstsüz protestolarıyla ihlal edilen kadın haklarına dikkat çekmek isteyen FEMEN üyelerinin yaşamlarına ışık tutan fotoğraflarda, protesto hazırlıklarının >>>

Нафіга попу гармонь, а патріарху Кирилу – фемен?

Нам пропонують "руській мір" із мракобіссям і безмежною владою паничів у брудних рясах Схоже на те, що Москва сходить із розуму по-своєму. І в цьому чи не головну роль  заправляє людина, яка раз по раз влаштовує вояжі в Україну, своїми проповідями намагається в нашій державі створити свій "руській мір". Історія цього скандалу, за >>>