Россияне хотят посадить "Pussy Riot" в тюрьму

[12:50]  Половина россиян хотят посадить в тюрьму участниц группы "Pussy Riot" - опрос [00:05]  Три четверти россиян против увеличения пенсионного возраста [28.03.2012]  Социологи выяснили отношение москвичей к системе питания в детсадах Похоже, терпимости и доброте наших сограждан искренне >>>

Opfer erliegt Verletzungen – Kölner Stadt

KIEW - Knapp drei Wochen nach ihrer Vergewaltigung in der Ukraine ist eine 18-jährige Frau ihren schweren Verletzungen erlegen. Die Gesundheitsbehörden in der Stadt Donezk teilten mit, die junge Frau sei am Donnerstag gestorben. Das Opfer war nach Angaben der Staatsanwaltschaft am 9. März in der südlichen Stadt Nikolaijew von drei Männern vergewaltigt, stranguliert und auf einer verlassenen Baustelle in Brand gesteckt worden. Die junge Frau erlitt großflächige Verbrennungen am Körper und schwere Lungenschäden. Zudem musste ihr der rechte Arm amputiert werden. Die >>>

Ukraine: Vergewaltigungsopfer erliegt Verletzungen – Kölner Stadt

KIEW - Knapp drei Wochen nach ihrer Vergewaltigung in der Ukraine ist eine 18-jährige Frau ihren schweren Verletzungen erlegen. Die Gesundheitsbehörden in der Stadt Donezk teilten mit, die junge Frau sei am Donnerstag gestorben. Das Opfer war nach Angaben der Staatsanwaltschaft am 9. März in der südlichen Stadt Nikolaijew von drei Männern vergewaltigt, stranguliert und auf einer verlassenen Baustelle in Brand gesteckt worden. Die junge Frau erlitt großflächige Verbrennungen am Körper und schwere Lungenschäden. Zudem musste ihr der rechte Arm amputiert werden. Die >>>

Une jeune femme meurt après un viol collectif

Oksana Makar, 18 ans, est décédée dans la matinée à la suite d'une hémorragie pulmonaire dans un hôpital de Donetsk (est), où elle avait été transférée, a indiqué le directeur de cet établissement, le Dr Emil Fistal. «Imaginez-vous, ils l'ont étranglée (...), puis ont mis le feu à son corps. Elle est restée dix heures par terre par un froid glacial», a souligné le médecin. «Elle était condamnée dès le départ, si elle a survécu ces trois semaines c'est grâce à un traitement intensif», a-t-il ajouté.Ils ont tenté de brûler son corpsLe président Viktor Ianoukovitch >>>

Girl dies after horror gang rape

An 18-year old Ukrainian girl died on Thursday almost three weeks after suffering a gang rape attack by youths which has become one of the country's most notorious crimes of recent years. Oksana Makar was raped by three young men, strangled, burned alive and then left for dead in the attack in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolayiv on 10 March, prosecutors have said. The victim was found by a passer-by after she was dumped by her attackers, reportedly at a construction site. She was hospitalised with 55 percent burns in a critical condition which forced the amputation of her feet, an arm and >>>

Ukraine girl whose gang rape shocked nation dies after three week battle

Protesters clambering over the Oksana Makar case. The blood of Oksana Makar is now reeking solidly over a nation… In one of the most heinous crimes in Ukraine’s history, 18 year old Oksana Makar who was found barely alive almost 3 weeks ago in a state of disrepair that had even shocked hardened authorities was yesterday pronounced dead as a result of the barrage of injuries she had incurred during a brutal gang rape at the hands of 3 suspects. So vile were her injuries that authorities were forced upon admitting her to  hospital to amputate her right arm from the shoulder >>>

Deadly rape case sparks outcry in Ukraine

An 18-year-old Ukrainian woman has died in hospital weeks after being brutally raped, in a case that has sparked a campaign against political corruption.Oksana Makar was attacked by three men earlier this month in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolayiv.They raped her and tried to strangle her before setting her alight.She was found by a passer-by and taken to hospital with burns to 55 per cent of her body.Ms Makar died on Thursday because of bleeding in her lungs.Oksana Makar. Photo: YouTubeAfter the attack, three men were arrested and then released. Two of the men had parents with political >>>

Deadly rape case sparks outcry in Ukraine

Print page Email this Permalink By Europe correspondent Rachael Brown Updated March 30, 2012 09:31:10 An 18-year-old Ukrainian woman has died in hospital weeks after being brutally raped, in a case that has sparked a campaign against political corruption.Oksana Makar was attacked by three men earlier this month in the southern Ukrainian city of Mykolayiv.They raped >>>

Ukrainian teen who posted harrowing hospital bed video describing how she was …

Tragic Oksana Makar dies from severe burns and lung damageMedics had amputated one of her arms and both her legs to keep her aliveHer rape attack caused nationwide protests in Ukraine against police corruptionPolice initially released two suspects accused of savage attack By Simon Tomlinson, Jill Reilly and Chris Parsons PUBLISHED: 10:33 GMT, 29 March 2012 | UPDATED: 17:43 GMT, 29 March 2012 A Ukrainian teen who was gang-raped, dumped in a ditch and set on fire has died days after she posted a tragic online video revealing her ordeal.Oksana Makar bravely told from her hospital bed >>>

Ukrainian Girl Oksana Makar Dies After Gang Rape, Topless Protesters Call for …

After undergoing one of the worst atrocities anyone could imagine earlier this month, young, innocent Oksana Makar died. The Ukrainian girl passed away on Thursday due to injuries from her traumatic attack, according to BBC News. She had been invited to an apartment, raped by three men, and then strangled. She was then set on fire and left to die at an abandoned construction site. Her mother had posted a video of her in the hospital, which drove a lot of media and public attention to the case. There have been protests in several Ukrainian cities, with topless women's rights supporters >>>